Cutting Tubes In-House or Buying Pre-Cuts

Fred HautauCustom Systems, Dual-Blade Tube Cutoff, RC Compact Tube Cutoffs, RC H-Series Tube Cutoffs, Tube Handling

Manufacturers who use metal tubing in their products have a few choices when it comes to buying their raw tube material. High-volume operations usually purchase tubing directly from a mill and use high-speed, automatic tube cutting machines. These cutting systems often transfer the cut pieces directly to a complete production line. Low-volume manufacturers generally purchase full-length tubing and use a …

Automatic Tube Cutting System

Benefits of an Automatic Tube Cut-off System

Fred HautauDual-Blade Tube Cutoff, RC Compact Tube Cutoffs, RC H-Series Tube Cutoffs, Tube Handling

Hautau, a renowned manufacturer of tube cutting machines, has consistently delivered innovative technologies to reduce human resources and increase automation for the tube processing industry. Responding to a request from a customer, Hautau delivered a custom tube cut-off system that would transfer the cut-up tubes into special transport carts without requiring human intervention. There are numerous benefits of this fully …

Unique Tube Cutting Solution Also Improves Product Tracking

CaldiatechCustom Systems, Dual-Blade Tube Cutoff, RC Compact Tube Cutoffs, RC H-Series Tube Cutoffs, Tube Handling

A manufacturer of heavy truck driveshafts came to Hautau with a two-pronged problem. The cutoff machines they were using were slow and took too much time to set up. Because there are three tubes of different lengths in a typical driveshaft, they needed a better way to track each tube group throughout the assembly process. Their previous practice of relying …

Which is Better: Abrasive or Lathe Cutting?

Fred HautauDual-Blade Tube Cutoff, RC H-Series Tube Cutoffs

There are a host of methods for tubing and pipe cutting. Before making your decision, you should consider several factors, including wall thickness, the end-conditioning requirements, and any necessary secondary processes. Here, we’ll compare abrasive and lathe cutting. What are the advantages and disadvantages of abrasive cutting? This manual method does not cut with saw teeth. Rather, it utilizes grinding …


Find Out How Hautau Became the Industry Standard for Pipe and Tube Cutting

Fred HautauRC Compact Tube Cutoffs, RC H-Series Tube Cutoffs

In practically any aspect of manufacturing, quality control is the key to continued success. In fact, just about every process handled by machines is likely to include markings, chamfers and burrs. What’s the big deal with chamfers, burrs and other rough surfaces? For starters, workers on down the line of production can easily experience severe injury by handling sharp surfaces. …