
Finishing Processes for Metal Tubes

Fred HautauCustom Systems, Tube Handling, Tube Loading Systems

If you use tubing in manufacturing your product, an out-of-date tube cutting process may be limiting your overall production.  You might consider just upgrading to an automatic cutoff saw or an automatic cutoff lathe. However, if your specifications require that the cut pieces to be deburred, chamfered or end-finished, the cutting operation is the easy part. The secondary deburring or …

Preventative Maintenance Can Help Extend Machine Life

Fred HautauCustom Systems, Tube Handling, Tube Loading Systems

Having made the wise investment in a rotating-head tube cutoff machine, the next step should be obvious:  taking care of your machine so you get continuous production for years to come.  Unfortunately, this may not be as easy as it sounds.  Many business owners do not understand the maintenance schedule for a high-end machine very well, or the managers they …