Automatic tube unloading and packing

Eliminating Steps in Production With A Rotating-Head Cutoff Machine

Fred Hautau Custom Systems, Dual-Blade Tube Cutoff, Tube Handling

One of the biggest problems producers face in processing metal tubes, particularly if they want to finish as well as cut, is excessive steps.  Every time production stops for changeovers or recalculations, time is wasted unnecessarily.  The ideal system is streamlined, offering producers seamless loading, cutting, finishing, and unloading or packaging options. But for many producers, this process is cumbersome.  …

Automatic Tube Cutting Machine

How Automation Changes Your Creative Process

Caldiatech RC Compact Tube Cutoffs, Tube Handling, Tube Loading Systems

In the world of manufacturing, automation is often the key to productivity increases.  While productivity is important, it is also important not to lose sight of the creativity required to produce excellent materials.  While some claim that automation can destroy creativity, turning every manufacturing process into a “cookie cutter” operation, this is not necessarily true.  With the right machines, your …