Discover How a Custom-Built Hautau Lathe Improved DOM Tube Production

CaldiatechCustom Systems, RC Compact Tube Cutoffs, Tube Handling

A long-held Hautau hallmark is its ability to custom-design and build tube and pipe cutting solutions to suit individual needs of specific businesses. A perfect example is when PTC, a major Midwest producer of high-quality cold-drawn tubes needed to improve their tube cutting operations. Custom-Designed and Built Rotating-Head Cutoff Lathe Leads to Increased Production and Better Yield Because cold-drawn tubes …


Find Out How Hautau Became the Industry Standard for Pipe and Tube Cutting

Fred HautauRC Compact Tube Cutoffs, RC H-Series Tube Cutoffs

In practically any aspect of manufacturing, quality control is the key to continued success. In fact, just about every process handled by machines is likely to include markings, chamfers and burrs. What’s the big deal with chamfers, burrs and other rough surfaces? For starters, workers on down the line of production can easily experience severe injury by handling sharp surfaces. …